About Me...
Katelyn Meeks
In May of 2017, I completed my Bachelor of Science in Health Education. Through the combined degree program, I was able to concurrently complete coursework for the Masters of Science in Health Education degree program. I completed my Master of Science in Health Education in May 2018 and received my Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) certification in April 2018 as well. I have also completed an undergraduate minor in Disabilities in Society from the College of Education.
I completed a health education internship at the Center for Independent Living of North Central Florida and served as a graduate assistant for two undergraduate courses. Additionally, I was the secretary for the Alpha Lambda chapter of Eta Sigma Gamma, a national health honorary that focuses on teaching, service, research and advocacy, through health promotion in the community.
As of 2021, I serve as an aging life care manager for All About Aging LLC. I have received my care manager certification and am the 2021 membership chair for the Florida chapter of the Aging Life Care Association.